
Uses snapshots and text objects to make outlined text in the Corona SDK. Good performance since the outlines are only drawn when the text changes...

Comments, 358 Votes - submitted on 10/08/2015 view repo

A pure-Lua text rendering module for Corona SDK which can handle basic HTML, fonts, font-styles, and even basic font metrics.

This module renders text close to a proper desktop publishing program like Adobe InDesign. That means I can position text correctly on screen for books, etc.

Comments, 376 Votes - submitted on 09/04/2015 view repo

MorphingLabel is a simple module to easily allow you to animate changing a label's text. It works by duplicating the text object and crossfading/scaling between the old and new text for a seamless look.

Example morph gif

Comments, 426 Votes - submitted on 02/01/2015 view repo

Animate, draw, do pretty much anything with Bitmapped Fonts produced by programs like GlyphDesigner

Comments, 455 Votes - submitted on 01/06/2014 view repo

syncSound.lua is a Corona SDK module to add audio/video narration functionality with a couple simple function calls. syncSound adds the following functionality:

Comments, 432 Votes - submitted on 15/05/2014 view repo

A pure-Lua text-rendering module for Corona SDK which can handle basic HTML, fonts, font-styles, and even basic font metrics. It handles left/center/right justification, fonts, bold/italic/underline.
It also creates hyperlinks which can call actions. I use those to open websites, show graphics on the page, etc.

Comments, 479 Votes - submitted on 08/05/2014 view repo

By measuring the total font height and where the actual text is visible from top and bottom, you can get the percentage offset required to get perfect placement. Because it's different in the Corona Simulator, Android, and iOS, you need to do this at least 3 times.

Comments, 440 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo
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