
Simple example for Toast Notification without any plugins for Corona SDK.

For all supported platforms!

How to use?

• Add toast.lua in your Corona project root directory

• Add string 'require "toast"' in main.lua

• For display a toast notification, use next code:

Comments, 93 Votes - submitted on 13/11/2019 view repo

Hello Guys, Send for all, Virtual Joystick module with player sprite working perfect.

Sorry for my english, i am brazilian.

Thanks for all.

Comments, 321 Votes - submitted on 10/09/2015 view repo

If you want to place a vertical progress indicator in your code here is how to do it!

Comments, 488 Votes - submitted on 16/04/2015 view repo

This is an empty project template for Corona SDK starters, explaining some of the basic concepts and providing an example project organization.

Some of the basic concepts included and explained in this template are:

Comments, 535 Votes - submitted on 24/03/2015 view repo

Well, there is a time ago was looking for a function that uses one button with two functions, and saw the people looking for it. I found a possible solution that worked for me. and I will share here.

Hello, I am Brazilian and sorry for any errors, my English is bad.
The sample code can be downloaded from the gist attached link.

Comments, 486 Votes - submitted on 16/02/2015 view repo

it will give you a feeling of a spaceship moving in space

another function could show planets and nebulae with different speeds

you can also tweak it a little bit and create different transition speeds for stars depending on their sizes

Comments, 520 Votes - submitted on 25/10/2014 view repo

i think the idea is cool

just one loop will create small objects (circles or rectangles) to fill the screen
each object will have the same touch event which will fill the object with a randomly selected color

add a few lines to have different background color, and different sizes for your objects

Comments, 432 Votes - submitted on 25/10/2014 view repo

Used for error handling and logging events to console and a set of rolling text log files.
- Use it instead of print in your Corona project
- Your messages will be printed in console but also logged in text files
- A set of rolling text files is used so you can retrace the steps that lead to a bug

Comments, 395 Votes - submitted on 03/08/2014 view repo
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Corona SDK is now Solar2D
