Do you want to calculate the distances between different GPS markers?
Do you want to sort the markers by distance?
Then this is what you're looking for!
- Sort GPS markers by distance, based on a custom/current GPS location
- Get distances in meters, based on the custom/current GPS location
- Output array in console (print_r)
Checkout my Github GIST to find the code.
Example output:
[1] => table: 002ABBC0 {
[longitude] => 40.644178
[latitude] => -73.949204
[title] => Brooklyn
[distance] => 5662.823745369
[2] => table: 002ABBC0 {
[longitude] => 39.918163
[latitude] => -75.181275
[title] => South Philadelphia West
[distance] => 133824.02894993
[3] => table: 002ABBC0 {
[longitude] => 45.367584
[latitude] => -62.937013
[title] => Nova Scotia
[distance] => 1242546.4018208