
Simple example for Toast Notification without any plugins for Corona SDK.

For all supported platforms!

How to use?

• Add toast.lua in your Corona project root directory

• Add string 'require "toast"' in main.lua

• For display a toast notification, use next code:

Comments, 93 Votes - submitted on 13/11/2019 view repo

If you have a game released & live, sometimes it's difficult determining the cause of bugs that your end users have.

Comments, 441 Votes - submitted on 02/03/2015 view repo

This is a simple module I created to help streamline network requests to Stripe's payment API. With this module, you can charge a card, create and manage customers, refund customers, and more. Hopefully, this will help make Corona a more pertinent business app platform.

Comments, 421 Votes - submitted on 17/07/2014 view repo

This gist includes two files: 1) dropboxModule.lua which allows your code to connect Dropbox and allows your user to authorize access for your app. It is based on oAuth 1.0. 2) download.lua is an example of how your code should call the functions in dropboxModule.lua

Comments, 384 Votes - submitted on 24/05/2014 view repo

dmc_websockets is an implementation of WebSockets RFC6544 for the Corona SDK.

There are examples available at the github repo.


Comments, 516 Votes - submitted on 14/05/2014 view repo

dmc_sockets is a non-blocking socket library which uses events or callbacks to notify an application about network changes. It will automatically read all available data into a buffer and notify you when any new data has arrived.

Comments, 942 Votes - submitted on 12/05/2014 view repo

A simple connectivity checker.
Example of use:

local connection = require("connection")
connection.test(function (isAvaliable)
    if isAvailable then
       print("Connection available!")
        print("No connection :(")
Comments, 381 Votes - submitted on 26/03/2014 view repo

Abstract RESTful API class


Easy to implement.

API description in LUA table


currently support:
- Kinvey

Comments, 508 Votes - submitted on 17/02/2014 view repo

OpenSource multiplayer and network messaging for CoronaSDK, Moai, Gideros & LÖVE

Comments, 507 Votes - submitted on 23/01/2014 view repo
The website is no longer being updated, and is for archival purposes only.


Corona SDK is now Solar2D
