TexturePacker's multipack option created loads of files? Tell this where they are and it gives you a function which fetches the right sheet and frame index for each image without you needing to worry about them
getSheetAndFrame=multipackmanager.init("dataFileDir", "imageFileDir" , "dataFilePrefix" , "imgFilePrefix")
graphicsSheet, frameIndex = getSheetAndFrame("imageName")
or for convenience:
Assume that you generated some image sheets with the images "bob.png","alice.png" ... "cat.png". Your project structure looks like this:
- root/
- img/
- sheetimg0.png, sheetimg1.png, ... sheetimgn.png <-- All the images with "bob.png" etc.
- sheets/
- info0.lua, info1.lua ... infon.lua <-- the Lua files with the frame info
- Lua files are in the sheets directory, and have the info prefix.
- Image files are in the img directory with the imagesheet prefix.
Given that you can then write:
local getSheetFrame=multipackmanager.init("sheets","img","info","sheetimg")
local alice=display.newImage(getSheetFrame("alice")) <-- *notice the lack of the .png extension.*
local cat=display.newImage(getSheetFrame("cat"))
This assumes you created the files using the Corona SDK (image sheet) option in TexturePacker. The code also assumes that you haven't named your resources such that one set is a prefix of another set. For instance you have one set of files called a0.lua, a1.lua etc. and another set called a_load_of_images0.lua, *a*_load_of_images1.lua etc.