
This is a simple module I created to help streamline network requests to Stripe's payment API. With this module, you can charge a card, create and manage customers, refund customers, and more. Hopefully, this will help make Corona a more pertinent business app platform.

Comments, 421 Votes - submitted on 17/07/2014 view repo

I Work at NuOffer.com we work with documents, and this documents have signature.
So we created a signature algorithm, to try to be as close as possible to the signature behavior of a pen.
Anyway please fell free to copy, change improve, and let us know what do you think.
We used, this tutorial

Comments, 484 Votes - submitted on 27/06/2014 view repo

Basic corona SDK starter template to start your project!

Comments, 481 Votes - submitted on 24/06/2014 view repo

Custom texturepacker filter that uses the physical folder names for the sprites to add sequence data to the normal corona image sheet exporter.

Comments, 410 Votes - submitted on 17/06/2014 view repo

A lua program (CLI, not Corona) that produces the umpteen different sized fonts required from a single SVG, thus avoiding bitmap scaling issues. Requires the command line LUA and Inkscape which it leverages to do the actual conversion.

Comments, 424 Votes - submitted on 01/06/2014 view repo

Tableview sample code with pull-down/refresh animation. Leverages code from Rob's tutorial (http://coronalabs.com/blog/2014/03/04/tutorial-advanced-tableview-tactics/)

Comments, 340 Votes - submitted on 30/05/2014 view repo

syncSound.lua is a Corona SDK module to add audio/video narration functionality with a couple simple function calls. syncSound adds the following functionality:

Comments, 432 Votes - submitted on 15/05/2014 view repo

Some functions to make reading and writing files a little easier. The premise is that a function which reads (returns the contents of a file) will also write if provided data to save.

Comments, 651 Votes - submitted on 12/05/2014 view repo

Use Xcode as IDE for Corona SDK

Works with Xcode 4+5 - Corona SDK, Corona Enterprise and CoronaCards

Package includes:

Comments, 369 Votes - submitted on 25/04/2014 view repo

A list of RGB colours with supporting functions and Gfx2.0 colour code conversion.

Comments, 622 Votes - submitted on 17/04/2014 view repo