
Modified version of Corona SlideView.

You can add your external listener (callback) and add any display objects.

Comments, 460 Votes - submitted on 01/11/2014 view repo

Used for downloading image resources on device based on display.imageSuffix. Benefits: reduces APK / IPA size, reduces application's size on device, each device downloads images only for its own resolution.

Comments, 641 Votes - submitted on 21/09/2014 view repo

See professorcook.org/lua/json.zip for a demo project.
Specify all your display/sound resources in JSON then load each one on demand.
The assets module includes a "show" method that can be used to tune resources on different platforms by playing through a JSON file independent of any application.

Comments, 407 Votes - submitted on 08/09/2014 view repo

A Lua based table printing function called print_r, named after the PHP function for the same task. This was in the original Corona Community Code exchange by user: OderWat,

Comments, 986 Votes - submitted on 31/08/2014 view repo

A template to be used with Animo (Spriteloq) to export Flash assets for Corona with graphics 2.0.

Comments, 462 Votes - submitted on 27/08/2014 view repo

Hello, I am Brazilian, so any errors in the writing, I apologize.

First Understood the Beziel Curve Proprierties

local curve = bezier:curve({xInitial, xControlPoint1, xControlPoint2, xControlPoint3}, {yInitial, yControlPoint1, yControlPoint2, yControlPoint3})


local bezier = require('bezier')

Comments, 408 Votes - submitted on 25/08/2014 view repo

Some of the things you can track with this module: events, scenes, sessions, purchases, timings, social events and errors.

To enable Google Analytics create a new "Mobile App" property on Google Analytics and get a Tracking ID to start testing with.

Most basic example, in main.lua put:

Comments, 599 Votes - submitted on 24/08/2014 view repo

SQLite database interface wrapper.

Comments, 576 Votes - submitted on 12/08/2014 view repo

Used for error handling and logging events to console and a set of rolling text log files.
- Use it instead of print in your Corona project
- Your messages will be printed in console but also logged in text files
- A set of rolling text files is used so you can retrace the steps that lead to a bug

Comments, 395 Votes - submitted on 03/08/2014 view repo

TexturePacker's multipack option created loads of files? Tell this where they are and it gives you a function which fetches the right sheet and frame index for each image without you needing to worry about them

Comments, 455 Votes - submitted on 29/07/2014 view repo