
This is a handy library for on-device testing. It creates a small button at the top of the screen that, when touched, will show you debug information that you've printed to the object.

Comments, 419 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

This library extends the normal display group to allow you to sort the children within it. You can sort by any property of the children (including added ones, for example a Z or DEPTH value), or you can supply your own custom sort function.

Comments, 365 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

Easier to write than normal Lua syntax, just as fast as JSON, and very human-readable, Cyan is the most flexible table serialization notation ever. It comes in a single code file and uses two function calls to decode/encode Cyan notation or tables.

Comments, 457 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

By measuring the total font height and where the actual text is visible from top and bottom, you can get the percentage offset required to get perfect placement. Because it's different in the Corona Simulator, Android, and iOS, you need to do this at least 3 times.

Comments, 440 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

Implements "Parental Gate" functionality for Corona apps that want to be included in the App Store KIDS section. It does this by showing a required age authorization dialog on startup that cannot be bypassed. Once the age has been selected, it persists and the user will never be asked to answer the question again.

Comments, 428 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

A module to position display objects on different screen resolutions. This helper will only work with the newest version of Corona (Graphics 2.0). Anchors and screen orientations are internally managed to provide consistency.

Comments, 338 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo

Requiring this function will re-enable obj:setReferencePoint() in Graphics 2.0 for the following objects:

Comments, 477 Votes - submitted on 17/01/2014 view repo